"My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus:
the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God."
Acts 20:24

God calls us to finish well.  Yet in our senior years, this can be a challenge amidst health concerns, loss, loneliness, and regret.
That's why vibrant community is so important to encourage us and cheer us on in this season of life.

Sage Agers Living Triumphantly are a group of senior adults committed to meeting together weekly for prayer, worship, and bible study, and they always welcome one more!
They also hold regular special events throughout the year such as banquets at Christmas and Easter, game days, movie nights, and road trips.

Is mobility an issue?  We also have a team of caring individuals who do regular home visitation and nursing home services.
Click below for more information on how Church of God can help you or a loved one be a Sage Ager Living Triumphantly!

S.A.L.T. Bible Study
Tuesdays @ 2 PM

Home Visitation
& Nursing Home Services

Seniors' Events
& Outings

Meet Pastor Dave Nelson

Pastor Dave serves as the Pastor of Visitation & Seniors Ministry, and runs our S.A.L.T. Bible Study on Tuesday afternoons.  Dave oversees regular social events and seasonal banquets, a weekly Bible Study, and leads times of prayer and worship.  Dave also runs monthly services in many of the nursing homes in Moose Jaw and visits those who are shut-in to provide encouragement and spiritual support. Dave is married to Evelyn, and they live in Caronport, SK.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
- Galatians 6:9